Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS)

Do you have bilingual learners, asylum refugees or traveller pupils in your school and need advice and support?

Our specialist, experienced team can work with you to help identify and remove barriers and inequalities in attainment and achievement and improve educational outcomes for children and young people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) and Traveller heritages, including those learning English as an additional language (EAL). We understand the importance of fostering open and productive relationships between schools, parents, carers, children and young people to remove barriers to learning. Our approach is friendly, flexible and responsive, giving you the right level of support when you need it.

Our subscription service provides:

  • Advice on best practice ethnic minority achievement, including new arrivals, advanced learners, GRT and asylum / refugee children and young people
  • Welcome and induction procedures for new arrivals and their families
  • Advice and training on meeting the needs of children learning English as an additional language
  • Pupil level work and action planning, as well as bespoke training for individuals, groups or whole school
  • Support in creating and delivering a culturally inclusive curriculum
  • Whole school strategic ethnic minority achievement development and planning for whole school policies and procedure
  • Environmental audits, reviewing resources, assessment and tracking.

Services can be accessed through a subscription or on a pay as you go consultancy basis.

  • Subscription options are for two, three or four days
  • Subscribing schools can purchase additional days at a preferential rate
  • Non-subscribing schools can purchase the service on a pay-as-you go consultancy rate.

For further details contact: